High-school frameworks for girls
building a future with faith


Chessed Ne’urim operates institutions for girls of high school and post-high school age. Tlamim and Neot Tamar for girls in high-school (9th-12th grade) and Tiferet for girls post high-school.

All our schools offer professional studies at the highest level, personal and spiritual empowerment, alongside personal attention and accompaniment for each student.

Neot Tamar – a High-school framework for girls who find it difficult to integrate into mainstream Haredi frameworks, due to personal approach and differences.

Tlamim- a  High-school framework for girls who have dropped out of the Haredi education system due to personal and / or family difficulties.

Tiferet – a  post High-school framework for girls who are interested in acquiring a profession, combined with life skills, in an educational and spiritual setting.


אסתר רוזמן


אורה בדיל

סגנית מנהלת

לאה לוי

אחראית תפארת

אודליה לב

אחראית שירת בת שבע

שושנה קירשנבוים

אחראית נאות תמר


We believe that every girl deserves an opportunity for growth and proper preparation for the future. When circumstances fail to meet a girl’s needs in classic frameworks, our challenge is to provide a tailored response.

Our schools ensure that such a solution is provided without compromising on values, in a safe and confident manner, empowering and believing, connecting and integrating.

Thousands of Chessed Ne’urim graduates and hundreds of current students are enfolded by our educational and professional guidance, which accompanies them during their school years and beyond

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